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Kidnapped child dream

THE DREAM I was investigating this house where a child had been kidnapped. There was a man there who was some type of freak. He could barely speak and looked very odd. He was saying how he was doing things in unusual ways but was justifying this. I was thinking that he was only being practical.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer bumped into someone from a former workplace who he really did not want to speak too. He was very bitter towards this person and felt completely unable to speak to her because he felt betrayed. He felt she had committed an evil crime. He knew he had come across in a freakish way because he was completely unwilling to look at her or interact with her. In truth she was not personally to blame but he was felt a sense of betrayal and bitterness towards anyone who was in any way involved in him being fired.

DREAM ANALYSIS: Dreams are not about facts they are more about our feelings. They are metaphors for our emotions. A dream about a child kidnapped was a symbol for the dreamers huge sense of betrayal which he experienced the day before. He could not speak to this person because he felt so bitter.

The dreamer also realised that when he ignored this person he may have come across as weird, as she was not directly responsible for his dismissal. Yet he felt this real anger. The freak in the dream was a symbol for his own freakish behaviour. The dream ends with the thought "he was only being practical" which simply mirrored real life. The dream caught this feeling "I just blanked her and I know it appeared weird and freakish. But I was just being practical. I cannot help feeling this way."

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at