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Tartinis devils sonata dream

THE DREAM - I had a dream that the devil appeared before me and asked me to be his servant. I handed the devil his violin and he played the fiddle with such virtuosity that I was rendered utterly speechless. When I awoke I wrote down the sonata recording it as accurately as I could.

THE REALITY The dreamer was the composer Tartini who was inspired to write a sonata from this dream. The piece was an immediate success yet Tartini often spoke of how inferior this was to the inspirational performance of the devil in his dream.

DREAM ANALYSIS The dream seems to be an obvious inspirational and creative dream. During sleep ideas had probably been developing inside Tartini's mind. The devil probably appeared in this dream as an inspirational title. Music requires evocative titles and ideas. So the dream provided both a inspirational title and composition.

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "The dream was my inspiration for one of my best works. I immediately wrote down the sonata as best I could"

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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at