User manuals

Dream interpretation - headline news

The dreamer had been very suicidal and dreams about making the headlines linked to questions like "How would people take the news if I actually did kill myself!"

THE DREAM I dreamt I was in the newspaper as a headline.

THE REALITY The dreamer was becoming very suicidal. Making headlines represented him thinking through the impact his possible suicide would have.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Head in hands - dream interpretation
•Feeling lost and losing wallet - dream analysis
•A dream interpretation about walls moving
•Falling trapped on rocks - dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - picture of sinking ship
•Rolling downhill dream
•Feeling fear and hopelessness - dream analysis
•Father worried about house dream analysis
•Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
•On top of building dream
•Dream - super fast chase
•Eager jockey dream
•Dream interpretation – work at the library
•Needing friend - dream analysis
•Dream - walking obsessionally
•A parasite telepathic - dream interpretation
•Frantic man pointing - dream interpretation
•Police cages dream
•Woman shakes head at me - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
•Depression and feeling suicidal dream analysis
•Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
•Huge cliff dream
•Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
•Without help dream

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at