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Dream interpretation - forgotten or lost purse

THE DREAM Recently my dreams seem to revolve around me losing my purse. A very odd dream for me as I don't usually carry purses in dreams. It would happen in all different circumstances. I would go somewhere, leave, and then realize I had forgotten my purse. I'd go back to find it but couldn't (or would wake up prior to finding it). I never did find the purse.

THE REALITY The dreamer was suffering from a progressive lung disease. She was often very tired and would get sick a lot. At work(which was always VERY important to her), she was taking time off. She knew she would be fired(which she was).

DREAM INTERPRETATION Well dreams do relate to our real lives. Recurring dreams should be simple enough to solve as they are obviously problems which are recurring. This dreamer was going through some major life changes with ill health.

In some senses losing a purse could relate to the loss of income that would result due to her being fired(which she knew would happen). After all a purse contains money. But maybe this explanation is too simplistic.

A purse obviously connects with money but also links to personal possessions. Money in dreams can symbolise things that are valuable to us. In this case its the dreamers identity which is being lost. She enjoyed her work and it provided her with a sense of satisfaction and self worth. Losing her job and losing her ability to do her job was affecting her. Work is very important to the majority of people. It is not only a source of money but we also meet many people through it and also gain a sense of self worth.

So in this sense it refer to the dreamer having to confront major life changes and having to restore her sense of identity and self worth.

Symbolic Meanings
PURSE : "The dreamers sense of identity that she gained through work"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have been fired due to ill health. Since then I have not really found a new purpose and sense of self worth."

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at