DREAM FORUM - Baby with Ex
POSTED February 7, 2012, 13:02 by parpar (Viewed 256 times)
THE DREAM : I had a baby with my ex boyfriend...in the first part i see the baby in a baby stroller. the stroller had an opening on the side and i was worried the baby might fall out. in the second part i see myself sitting in the car in the front of my ex. the door of his side of the seat was open and he was standing next to the seat doing something. his friend (unrecognizable) was standing next to him. our baby was sleeping in the trunk. I looked over my right shoulder through the back window and saw a woman standing there. she was suspicious to me. She than put a heavy bag on the baby. I ran to the baby to remove the bag and threw it on the floor...a bit water came out of the bag. I was checking if the baby was still alive and yes it was. it was breathing and sleeping peacefully.
THE BACKGROUND:My ex and me broke up 2 months ago. we were only 2 months dating and hit it off in the beginning very well. later it became weird...i felt disconnected to him and eventually we got distant. he said he doesn"t knows what he wants....since then we are apart without talking. this dream i had after 3 weeks of seperation.
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