DREAM FORUM - My two Nightmares
POSTED May 20, 2012, 22:07 by PaulRedeker (Viewed 392 times)
THE DREAM : The first nightmare came about 5 weeks ago. in my dream i was siting on my couch in my living room, when i felt a presence behind me in the back right corner. in my head i was telling myself that "he is back". as if i had seen this specter before. i turned around and there was this dark fuzzy shape of a man, with his head up against the top corner hovering above the ground. My whole body instantly went numb and i woke up. When i woke up my body was still numb, i was unable to move other than rollover to my side, i couldn't speak, only gurgle and murmur. and the numbness had this deep humming noise to it. eventually it subsided and i regained all function after about 5 minutes.
Two weeks after this dream i had just fallen asleep when i dreamt of two burned and black pigs hanging upside down in mid air in a pitch black space. then i woke up. and when i was completely awake and coherent at the foot of my bed the two pigs had intertwined together in an odd spherical blob, each sliding independently of the other through and around each other. it then slowly lowered from the air down past the foot of my bed and into the ground. i then felt the numbness start to slide up my body from my feet and over take me once again. for another 5 minutes i was stuck there, terrified and numb. the same noise emanating throughout my head.
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