DREAM FORUM - my dream abt murder
POSTED May 2, 2013, 06:04 by Anon (Viewed 167 times)
THE DREAM : in my dream i saw my future inlaws and my granny al who r dead come home along with a few relatives i dont really know i see my bf and his fren in our bedroom dat 3 guys nd a lady der wen my bf is having sex i know it but just dont care am in da hall watching tv wen i hear a jarring sound nd see dat my bf is cutting dat gals neck with a knife on da floor nd his fren is cutting stabbibg da guy on da bed
i go to the other room and on just actual signal to my mom in law with my eyes nd she and another lady rush out the bodies r no more der and the bedshett is being changed my mom in lwa wants me to throw a tantrum nd show my bf i dont like wats happening she says if i dont it will repeat i tell her dats its already happened once before my grandma ha o idea of whats going on nd den she goes to da kitchen nd vomits carrot pieces were prominent in her vomit i clean throw a tantrum nd specifically rember pushing of a bowl of curried chicken from a small table then i an my bf go out and its a vague memory of da dream after dat except for he takes me to a tution center wer he studied earlier
THE BACKGROUND:im in a live in with my bf for almost a year i walked out of family to join him i have a doubt hes being liying abt something and i confronted him recently he sd no but am still not at ease as for da part of having sex with another woman dat really does not upset me as sex is an activity i dont stop him from it also i am the bread winner of this smll family him nd me we live in da very same house i saw in my dream nd chicken is wat he loves wen he drinks
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