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DREAM FORUM - Dreaming of always going down the sharp hill
POSTED July 21, 2011, 15:04 by Abhi (Viewed 34 times)


It's been a long time that I dream similar type of events.

1. I ride a bicycle which has no brakes and it is going down the sharp slopy road and I fear of going down. I want to control the bicycle but, I couldn't. I wake up with the fear

2. I saw a dream like I was climbing to the roof of a home using a movable ladder. When I reached to the middle of the ladder, then, I couldn't go above it, and when I see down, its again so dangerous situation. And, I feel as the ladder is not stable and may go down along with ladder. So, the three fears were there: fear of going up, fear of going down and fear of falling with ladder.

I also sometimes dream like: i go on walking and reach to a very far distance. AFter sometime.. the part of land that i stepped just goes below the label.. and I cannot return back. When I step front, again the land that I stepped goes below the label. In this way when I go on walking, I reach to a very deep place from where I can never come back to top and I have no-one there.

Can anyone please say me what does these dream imply. I am very much frightened by these dreams.

THE BACKGROUND:-----------------------------------------------------
Unclesirbobby (POSTED July 21, 2011, 16: 4: 04)
Well dreams are like metaphors. Your dream about a bike going downhill makes you feel the following type of feeling - "I simply cannot keep control of the situation"

Most dreams simply tell you how you felt yesterday or how you worry about the day to come. So see how that thought could be of relevance. There could be 101 practical ways in which you elt those feelings eg

"yesterday at work I felt as if I was losing control."

Next time you get such a dream see how it could be a mataphor for losing control in some way...

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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

Streets in dreams

Music in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z