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POSTED September 29, 2011, 03:04 by Iceberg Rose (Viewed 422 times)

THE DREAM : Thursday, September 29, 2011

I became aware I was dreaming when I noticed a strange blue light like the flash light of a lot of cameras coming through the curtains and hitting my face. I was dozing in my dream and it brought me to consciousness inside my dream. I then became hyper alert inside my dream and even though I was asleep I was ready to take action.

Although the light was like the light lightening creates the colour was cold and blue – not natural.

Disturbed by this light in my dream I investigated its source and went outside onto the verandah. The landscape looked normal till I looked up and saw a caustic cloud made of foam hovering over my front lawn.

I had a sense an engine was inside this cloud which was in a state of creation with the foam being made concealing what it contained. It seemed to me to be a spy ship of some kind and I felt the cameras taking flash light pictures were inside it.

I definitely did not want to touch the substance of this cloud and I wanted to protect myself and those I care for from its harmful caustic effects.

On the road totally unprotected were wounded people who could not move without help. A man named Bill was among them and seriously burned from his face over his abdomen down to just above his private parts which were exposed. Investigating the burned area it was clear the burn was old and he had keloid scarring which had contracted his body so he could not stretch out.

Among the people helping was a beautiful young woman who had been a prostitute in the impoverished area both she and Bill had come from. Bill recognized her voice and called for her but she could not identify him since his burning and had to follow his voice to find him.

When they were united it was clear they were in love and I called for someone to give them some privacy as it had been some years since the circumstance’s of their lives had separated them.

No one responded and I got so angry I went down and picked up the man myself as he was so light. I put them both in a private room and shut the door to give them some dignity so they could express their affection for each other more intimately if they so desired.

I awoke from this dream feeling very sad and blue.

THE BACKGROUND:I have just started a training course and yesterday the trainer made it clear her agenda was the only one that would be adopted. Her manner was caustic to my sensibilities and her removal of my tea from my table when I had not finished it without my permission upset me.

I had to go back to training today and I was not looking forward to it as I knew this trainer was not accommodating but very much a thruster organizer in her style. The cup of tea issue came up again today as I got my tea and took it back to my desk as I like to do. The trainer stopped me and told me to take it to the back of the room and leave it on the table there.

Noticing my response she explained she had been burned by a cup of tea taken to a training session desk in the past and was very uncomfortable with cups of tea on the trainees desk for that reason. I obliged and took the tea to the table she mentioned but I never got to drink it and I felt resentful about this at the time.

I had talked over this trainer’s style with my husband the night before as I did not like it. I made a decision to just be agreeable and get through the training without making a fuss but I feel bullied and that’s the truth. Her manner has shut down all interaction but the interactions she authorizes and I can see this is just something I have to let go this time even though I feel sad it has to be like this. I feel there is room for a little more compassion but I guess it’s not to be.
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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

Try this dream guide to help you understand the symbols in your dreams. DREAM GUIDE

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

PROSTITUTE: Dreams use symbols in only one sense of their meaning. So a prostitute in your dream maybe your minds way of saying that you have cheapened yourself or that you have humiliated yourself.

BURNS: Dreams use symbols as metaphors for recent feelings. The dream symbol groups together similar sets of emotions. So a burnt hand in a dream could be the minds way of saying "I am worried about a very sensitive issue?" Think how burning could be a symbol for your emotions.. think of what happened yesterday and worries about being 'burnt' on the day of the dream.

For more information read here Burn dreams

ANGER: Emotions are often easy to understand in dreams. Try to see how that emotion could represent recent feelings - especially from the day before. If you are bottling emotions up it may show that you are feeling frustrated. Indeed you may have no way of showing frustration... if you are working in a job where it is innapropriate to show any frustrations. Dreams can be an outlet for general frustrations. If you feel a resentment that people are not showing you the respect youdeserve then thaat could be wht triggered the dream. Dreams with anger in need not be about you. Did you see someone else very angry the day before? It maybe a dream about you trying to understand someone elses point of view.

For more information read here Anger in dreams

SADNESS: Emotions in dreams are often very easy to understand. Simply try to trace that emotion yesterday. Did you feel really sad about something yesterday? It may have been only a fleeting moment as you realised that you miss someone or somewhere. Dreams often just note emotions. A dream about sadness may not necessarily be about you. You may have realised someones sadness yesterday and that could have triggered your dream. Dreams are not just about you - they are about all the people you care about and even random people if their lives touch your emotions.

For more information read here Sadness dreams

PONDS: -Have you been stuck inside your own emotions?
-Have you been questioning something deeply?
-Have your emotions been stuck and stagnant recently?

For more information read here Pond dreams

People in dreams

Protection in dreams

Ships in dreams

SPIES: Dreams are metaphors which maybe link to real life in ways which seem illogical. But in fact they are symbols for day to day emotions and feelings. Try to see what is associated with spies. The world of spy is full of paranoias and worries. Our studies featured a spy dream which followed on from a day in which the dreamer felt very paranoid - as f she had been watched. So the dream taps into the same kind of emotions and is therefore seen as a metaphor for real life.

For more information about spies in dreams then read here - Spies in dreams

Streets in dreams

Women in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z