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Trust a man in my house - dream analysis

Dream symbols are not literal - they are used by way of comparison. In this dream leaving someone alone in your own home is a way of expressing your trust in that person. After all if you leave someone alone in your home it implies that you trust them.

THE DREAM A friend and colleague has come round to my house. He is painting it( I do not know how or why). I leave him to it. He decorates my house and I trust him enough to leave him on his own. I would not normally do this - I would not leave anyone alone in my home.

THE REALITY The dreamer had just completed an article for a magazine. This was his first ever article. He had sent the article off and told the editor that he trusted him to make any minor changes of grammar.

DREAM ANALYSIS Dreams often revolve around incidents and thoughts from the previous day. In this case something did happen which was in its own way important to the dreamer. It was dominating his thoughts that night before he went to sleep. He had written an article and sent it off to the editor.

The dreams major theme is trust as the dreamer allows someone alone in his house whilst he goes out. Trust was a major theme from the day before. The dreamer was trusting the magazine editor to make any changes to his article. Many dreams just repeat key themes in your thoughts like this.

The dream features one person and yet the dream seems to be about someone else. This happens a lot in dreams. The man in the dream was similarly a man whom he trusted as a colleague.

The house is a very personal symbol. That replicates the dreamers feelings in reality. The dreamers article was very personal to him. It was his first article and was very important to him.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
TRUST: The dreamer trusted the magazines editor to make slight changes in grammar and spelling and anything else.

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have just completed my first article. I trust the editor to make any changes that are needed. He knows what he is doing. I told him to do what he wants to clean it up."

See how the Symbolic meanings link to the dreamers thoughts about his first ever published article

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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at