Ghost dream analysis
THE DREAM I was really feeling as if I had been treated unfairly. I was walking away and spoke to this woman (who might have been the police) - who seemed to be a very eerie ghost.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was upset with a friend. He felt neglected by him and had just recently cut himself off from him. They would occasionally bump into each other but he would just avoid this friend.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. Ghost: An eerie ghost seemed to symbolise his behaviour. He had been avoiding his friend when they were in the same place. So his presence was just like an eerie ghost
2. Unfair: The dreamer obviously felt a sense of unfairness in that he felt very neglected by his friend.
3. Police: police can symbolise a situation where the dreamer feels wronged against. He was very unhappy with his friend.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers feeling that his friend was neglecting him. The dream deals with the following themes
- Feeling unfairly treated
- An eerie presence
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"I am very unhappy with my friend. I feel a sense of injustice as he just neglects me. I have cut myself off from him. We are in the same building and I just avoid him. I must seem like an eerie ghost"
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at