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Terrorists in the UK dream

THE DREAM I had a dream about terrorists in the UK. I was accepting that things were not as bad as what they were painted.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The dreamer did had severe paranoias. Just recently he was starting to calm down and was realising that his fears were exaggerated

DREAM ANALYSIS The main focus in this dream is that the dreamers "fears were exaggerated". In real life this theme was relevant as the dreamer had been exaggerating his own fears and realised that he had been very paranoid. So real life seems to mirror the dream. Thats an obvious sign that a dream is about that subject.

Why would the dream be about terrorists? Obviously people get paranoid in real life but for real paranoia look to the media. They are quick to exaggerate any terrorist threat. Dreams often use situations which are similar but not quite the same. So they use paranoia in other situations. They use the fear of the public of terrorists. They use gangsters because no one can trust a gangster and paranoias spiral out of control.

The dream deals with three themes: "a major fear" and "exaggeration" and "calming down". Obviously these themes weave together to form the dreamers key feeling "I realise that I have been paranoid. My fears have been exaggerated. I am starting to settle down now." So a dream which seemed to bizarre and irrelevant actually pinpointed a key feeling.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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•Paralysed dream analysis
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•Dream symbolism - calm down
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•Terrorists in the UK dream
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at