Zombie Attack dream
THE DREAM I dreamt I was being attacked by Zombies. I fought the Zombies off with a fire torch device. The fight took place inside a mechanic's workshop. I was successful in fighting off and killing the Zombie's. At one stage, I need to relight my fire torch and the workshop turned into a store and I found a lighter rack by the counter.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION In the days leading up to this dream, I noticed that I was feeling bored in my relationship and suffering from low self-esteem. I did some work on my inner self recognising these feelings. The zombie were cold and lifeless, monotonous and routine-like. The fire I fought them with was like the fire of life and the workshop to me represented myself 'remodelling' how I am going to take space and time for myself to renew my feelings within the relationship I am in, to improve my self -esteem taking time for the things I need to do and so breathing 'fire' back into my relationship.Posted by Jasmine on www.Dreamsymbolism.info
Unclesirbobby (POSTED July 9, 2012, 02: 1: 28)
Hi Jasmine,
That's an excellent dream analysis. Its amazing how simple how dream analysis can be when you reduce it to simple terms. Dreams represent your recent thoughts and so if some strong feeling have inside your mind then its very likely it will be about them. If you then start to see how the dream is consistent with that dream then you start to peer into how the dream portrays thoughts
Your dream workshop turns into a shop. Shops tend to be linked to the options that we have available to us. So to get out of your rut you have been thinking about what you can do and what is achievable. And in simple terms you go into shops to get things which you want to make your life better.
DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at hairybobby@hotmail.com