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Pets - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain pets. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of pets in each dream.

A dream where a witch eats a pet grasshopper linked to the dreamers mother going to live in Japan.

A dream about a stag which is nuzzling my hand like a pet linked to the dreamer trying to fight his own ego states. He was trying to stay celibate. The pet symbolised his need for sexual affection.

A dream about petting a whale linked to the dreamers mother calling off her engagement. The dreamer had got on very well with her mothers boyfriend and she was missing him dearly.

A dream with her childhood pet linked to her being in financial trouble and having to live with her parents whilst unemployed. Being with a pet symbolised her need to cheer herself up.

A dream about a whale waiting for me to pet him linked to the dreamer being overwhelmed. She was very stressed out and woke up feeling at peace. The 'petting' symbolised her need to calm down.

A dream with watching two pet dogs over a fence linked to the dreamers husband about to deploy to Iraq. The pets symbolised her realise that she would soon be missing her husband.

A dream where the dreamers pet scratches her linked to her finding out that a loyal and trusted friend had been saying things about her.

A dream where is pet is fighting another animal symbolised the dreamers wish to stay out of a dispute between two friends.

A dream where insecticide affects his pet dog was linked to the dreamer thinking about an old acquaintance the day before. She had let bad memories and misunderstandings get in the way of their friendship.

A dream about a pet shop asking someone about help with a tiger linked to the dreamer having extreme anger issues. The pet shop symbolised his need to calm own generally.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Alligator - dream analysis
•Anger - dream analysis
•Ants - dream analysis
•Bed - dream analysis
•Blanket - dream analysis
•Breathing - dream analysis
•Bridge - dream analysis
•cats - dream analysis
•Chased - dream analysis
•Chasing - dream analysis
•Cold - dream analysis
•Cult - dream analysis
•Drunks - dream analysis
•Earthquake - dream analysis
•Elementary school - dream analysis
•Empty - dream analysis
•Factory - dream analysis
•Fight dream
•Frustration - dream analysis
•Garden - dream analysis
•Guard - dream analysis
•Gun - dream analysis
•Haunt - dream analysis
•Hide - dream analysis
•Hospital - dream analysis
•Huge house - dream analysis
•Ice creams - dream analysis
•Jewel - dream analysis
•King - dream analysis
•Lock - dream analysis
•Mansion - dream analysis
•Money - dream analysis
•Monster - dream analysis
•Mother - dream analysis
•News - dream analysis
• Pirates - dream analysis
•Police - dream analysis
•Pressure - dream analysis
•Pulling - dream analysis
•Puppies - dream analysis
•rescue dream
•Safe - dream analysis
•Scorpion dream
•Skin - dream analysis
•Space - dream analysis
•Staring - dream analysis
•Suburbs - dream analysis
•Suicide - dream analysis
•Surround - dream analysis
•Sweating - dream analysis
•Third floor - dream analysis
• Time travel dream analysis
•Undress - dream analysis
•Upset - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at