Dead bird in my bedroom - dream interpretation
THE DREAM I dreamt about a dead Robin (the bird) in my bedroom on the floor. I was not the least bit afraid of the dead bird in my dream; although, in reality, a few weeks ago there was a dead Robin on our lawn, and I was "traumatized" every time I went outside to get in my car!!! Anyway, the dream was about me cleaning the bedroom of a lot of clutter on the floor and trying to find a bag to put the dead bird in.
THE REALITY The dreamer went to sleep that night after trying to explain to her boyfriend why she was unhappy with his behavior. He did not agree with what she said.
DREAM INTERPRETATION Its always worth bearing in mind what was on the dreamers mind before they go to bed. In this case she was trying to explain her feelings to him. She was trying to "clean up" her relationship a little and sort through some things. Its likely that the dream could link to this.
Symbolic Meanings
BED : "extremely personal issues - she feels her boyfriend is not listening to her personal feelings"
BIRD : "issues involving communication - here communication is dead because her boyfriend is not listening"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I was trying to explain my feelings to my boyfriend about how he was behaving yet he just would not take it in."
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at