Mental hopsital dream
THE DREAM I once had a dream where I was admitted into a mental hospital. I am a 12 year old girl, and I'm wondering why I am dreaming of this. The next day in the dream, I was allowed 1 phone call, and I called my guy friend. He said he was going to be admitted to the same hospital. In the dream, I had apparently murdered a girl that I do not like in real life, and some kids were calling me a murderer, and one girl in particular, a girl who I do actually like, sent me off the wall about it, so I started beating on her. When they took me to the mental hospital, I asked why they took me, and they said I had anger issues, and that I was a danger to others.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer was worried about this dream because it featured her doing things which she would not expect herself to do. The dreamer felt that "there are things that are going on in both of our lives that I feel if we talked about could strengthen our relationship."
DREAM ANALYSIS: Dreams use extreme symbols which can sometimes upset us. This dreamer was a little upset by having a dream where she was sent to mental hospital. The fact is that we all have anger problems and we all have things which upset us deeply.
Notice that the dreamer is in the same mental hospital as her guy friend. So the dream has created a scenario where they are together sharing deeply personal problems. Maybe the mental hospital is just a situation that the dream has created. In the dream they are both sent to a place where they are deeply vulnerable. The dream seems a device to express a thought like "I do have issues. But other people have issues too. Even my guy friend has issues. We need to talk through the things that bother us." The dream seems to be about trust and having things in common. The dreamer learns to trust her guy friend because he has similar issues to herself. Trusting each other brings people together.
DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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•grabbing hold of a parachute
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•Zombie Attack dream
The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at