Vampire dream
DREAM - Vampire My friends and I were trying to revive and then kill - I think it was Klause's (as in - guy from vampire diaries) vampires. While my friends were there trying to revive then immediately kill them, I think I was in his basement, trying to find my phone and was looking for a purse to put my items in, with some girl sitting there and half- helping. Then the guy who's enemy vampires we were trying to kill, came over and asked me if I revived them, since he gave me the keys, but I said I gave them back (which I did) and he gave them to some other dude who was helping us kill the vampires. Klaus left and my friends came down, telling me to hurry up.. I asked them how it was going - killing the vampires and one of my friends (I think it was Alyte) said they were fine and that they killed the main vampire (a girl - I think it was supposed to be Rebecca) that we wanted to kill and that they were actually having some trouble with the less-known vampires. I followed then upstairs, grabbing the nearest purse (that was small,shaped like half of an oval or a watermelon half and it was purple with a funky, fat, gold colored handle) and putting the phone I used as a flash light to find me, in the purse. (the phone looked vaguely like my friends, but a little longer length-wise version of it) Upstairs, I got weird looks and a few comments about my purse, but I didn't care. (the upstairs looked kind-of like a cabin in camp and I think my friend Enija said some comment about my purse)I somehow ended up at the place where my friends were fighting the vamps and asked me how they were doing and she said they killed most of them, but 3 were left. I don't remember, but some fighting happened and then we tried something with one of us and one of their vampires jumping off a cliff and our people shooting, but my friend didn't jump off, but the vampire did and I shot him in the chest, but I think it was a paint ball or it didn't really work, since he came back and he was really mad that we tried to trick him and he said, amused: "Who shot my chest?" and I said I did. He was about to kill all of us, but I said "No! Please stop! Talk to me! You talked to all of them, but not with me!" he considered this and then we went off and talked, but I don't remember what we talked about, but I think he grew fond of me or liked me. We were walking up a hill of saw chips, avoiding the sudden tourists, when a piece of glass went into my foot. I cried out, sat down and started squeezing, trying to get the piece of glass out and the boy (looking kind-of like Damen, but not really, more Native American) wanted to help, but I said I can do it myself and I did it, him being impressed. That's where the dream ends. One thing I forgot to mention is that, when the tourists started coming in (IDK why), then the vampire boy's bid, hulky brother started half-undressing himself and sat down at the picnic table, startling everybody, until we saw one girl tourist doing the same and then someone taking a picture looking as if they were naked. (IDK why they decided to do that) Please help me find out what this means! If you need more info, just comment!
This dream was posted on on the November 26, 2012, 21:01 by Lost. It was viewed 6 times
BACKGROUND INFORMATION:I was watching Grimm (a supernatural show) yesterday and I wasn't thinking much, just that I'm really tired and was thinking about the story I was writing (since I was continuing it before going to sleep) and I think I was thinking about this guy I like and how he's totally abandoned talking to me and that next year when I see him, I'll make him super-jealous to make him pay more attention to me.
OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : Dreams should not really tell you much that you don't already know. They are only really symbolic versions of the thoughts going through your mind. What would this dream mean.... you mention about making this guy jealous. Its probably linked to that. Why? Well it deals with vampires... that could link to what you mention... making someone jealous... your own darker side.
There is a conversation in the middle of the dream which is telling. Its about you tricking this vampire... this probably deals with your thoughts about how he might react if you make him jealous.
Its difficult really because you were also thinking up some story yourself... so part of the dream is part of your creative inspiration and part links to your emotions towards this guy.
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at