User manuals

Swamp - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain 'swamps'. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of 'swamps' in each dream.

A swamp dream linked to the dreamer feeling trapped in a routine and needing a change.

A swamp dream linked to the dreamer moving home and not being accepted by the locals. They were unable to accept the dreamers religion. The swamp was symbolic of them feeling stuck in a situation where they could not change things.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Actor - dream analysis
•Alley - dream analysis
•Ancient - dream analysis
•Attempt - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - bears
•Best friend - dream analysis
•Blood dream
•Bomb - dream analysis
•Books - dream analysis
•Boss dream
•Cancer - dream analysis
•Chasing - dream analysis
•Dreams - Christmas
•Casual clothes - dream analysis
•Designer suits - dream analysis
•Colleges - dream analysis
•Coma - dream analysis
•Countryside - dream analysis
•Co-worker - dream analysis
•Cult - dream analysis
•Deep water - dream analysis
•Disgust - dream analysis
•Drugs - dream analysis
•Expect - dream analysis
•Fire - dream analysis
•Football - dream analysis
•Frustration - dream analysis
•Garden - dream analysis
•Grandfather - dream analysis
•Guillotine - dream analysis
•Haunt - dream analysis
•Hearts - dream analysis
•Hospital - dream analysis
•Impatient - dream analysis
•Jesus - dream analysis
•Knife - dream analysis
•Lions - dream analysis
•Lock - dream analysis
•Lost - dream analysis
•Meteor - dream analysis
•Military - dream analysis
•Mother - dream analysis
•native American - dream analysis
•Nervous - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - nightmares
•North - dream analysis
•Pain - dream analysis
•Phone - dream analysis
• Pirates - dream analysis
•Police - dream analysis
•President - dream analysis
•Protection - dream analysis
•Queen - dream analysis
•River crossing - dream analysis
•Shout - dream analysis
•Steal - dream analysis
•Swamp - dream analysis
•Threat - dream analysis
•Thrift - dream analysis
•Toilet - dream analysis
•Vampire dream
•Van - dream analysis
•Wedding dream
• Werewolf dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at