DREAM FORUM - Werewolf dreams and behaviour
POSTED September 25, 2013, 00:03 by anon (Viewed 337 times)
THE DREAM : I had a dream last night, and I usually don't have dreams. Its a if my power chord is pulled out every night and I wake up the next morning way too sleepy... I my dream i saw a group of werewolf, I was a part of the Group. There is a dark building where a girl used to live, but she just disappears one day. and our group is there. and then i remember this ritual, of becoming more powerful. The ritual requires that in 3 of the werewolves one is sacrificed and the other two drink the blood to become stronger. and just before i woke up i felt claws being driven into my back. and the pain was there even when i woke up.
THE BACKGROUND:A long time back, when i was asleep in my room, i thought i had a dream of a black wolf standing over my chest with its head pointing to the centre of my chest. I was weightless. To my surprise the wolf was standing over me when i opened my eyes. and then just vanished. about 9-10 months back when i had a fight with my friend whom im staying with. He and his sibling said i was growling. And as i remember i was about to bite him when i was asleep with my teeth like before a dog goes to bite. I swear i was not watching any horror movies at that time. I have also experienced a heightened sense of smell. and i hate all of this stuff.
Unclesirbobby (POSTED September 25, 2013, 18: 3: 39)
Dreams can be somewhat self fulfilling. If people tell you you growl you start to wonder if you are something strange. So in your dreams you become a werewolf.
I would ignore occasional dreams like this. Try not to dwell on things. Dreams are about your emotions and fears and these are often well outside of reality.
The girl disappearing and the three werewolves making a sacrifice is interesting. I like to translate dreams into very real emotions. Maybe this girl represents the civilizing influence of girls on boys. Boys together can tend to descend into cruder and nastier behavior - symbolised by the werewolves making a sacrifice.
But seriously these werewolves dreams may simply be caused by other kids making up things about you in your sleep... exaggerating it... even making it up. Ever since then you get carried away by it and paranoid. Its made worse because this is something that occurred during sleep... which you are unaware of.
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