POSTED July 14, 2011, 05:04 by Iceberg Rose (Viewed 891 times)
THE DREAM : I noticed I was dreaming while I was in a landscape similar to an annual agricultural show. Here in Australia, the event in my dream was not unlike the Royal Easter Show. Altough in my dream it was smaller and in a more rural location as opposed to the big city location of Sydney.
In the dream I was not particularly active. Rather I was more of an observer looking for clues as to why I needed this dream to be so lucid.
Out in the showground there were dare devil car drivers so I left the noisiness there to look inside a pavilion of exotic specimens and living things on show.
Looking inside a glass display cage I expected to see a rare animal and instead noticed a human head lying on the bottom of the cage. At first I thought it was a statue. When I looked more intensely I realized it was human. It was alive and appeared to be in a constant state of dissociated anxiety.
I became quite horrified on behalf of the head and felt a sense of urgency to get into the cage and comfort it. The head was a sentient being isolated from the normal senses afforded human life and I determined to do something about it.
Ignoring protocol I broke into the cage and gently touched the heads cheek on its face with the palm side of my outstretched fingers on my left hand to comfort it. I saw the face visibly relax and while touching it noticed a living foot on display in the next cage.
Reaching forward to my right I gathered the foot toward me and comforted the foot with my right hand. I drew them both close to me and gently hugged them toward my body so they had a sense of my presence. However I was careful with my touch to ensure it communicated they did not need to fear being crushed.
The feeling I had was intense sadness for the dissociated head and foot that had no power to seek a remedy to their caged isolation. As a participant dreamer in this dream it was a great comfort for me to reach out my hand and touch them. At the very least I was sure it broke their isolation and I felt glad I could at least do this tiny thing of touching them mercifully.
I couldn’t help but wonder why no one else had ever thought to do the same.
I focused all my attention on the head in particular and blocked out the passing parade that were gawking at me with the typical dispassion I see in people walking round exhibits.
The dream ended here and I sat down at breakfast with my husband feeling very sad for the head in particular.
THE BACKGROUND:As I described my dream to my husband I shared that the head in my dream had no body to care for it and I started to laugh. This head had no body. In the dream I was the body that cared for it.
I don’t recall any event in the last few days that seems particularly significant except one to one meetings by appointment with the members of my work team.
What I did notice is that this dream related to a dream I had many years ago where I found my own headless body in the back of our old station wagon in a garbage dump. I have spent today wondering if I have finally found my missing head from that long ago dream. I have always wondered where it might have been.
I also know both these dreams relate to another dream I had several years after I found my body. In that dream I killed a woman by decapitating her because I knew she was dangerous and could potentially hurt people I cared for. In that dream I was warning everyone she was dangerous but no one listened to me.
After I had killed that woman I told everyone in that dream she could not be trusted and the dream closed with me watching her while I waited for the police to come and contain the situation.
My personal sense of this dream is that I have been able to make connections with some feeling that had been beyond my conscious reach when I was younger and I feel very glad about this. To be more scientific, I feel my neoplastic brain has grown big enough to make a body out of all the dismembered bits.
This feels like a very positive dream. My strongest recollection now is the powerful gut surging emotion of mercy I felt in the dream toward the dissociated head. I mean, what can a head do if there is no body to care for it.
Unclesirbobby (POSTED July 14, 2011, 07: 4: 40)
"Ignoring protocol"
"I couldn’t help but wonder why no one else had ever thought to do the same."
Think about these quotes - especfially in relation to these one to one meetings at work. What do those quotes mean to you ... think in a completely lateral way.
I see how a head without no body could have relevance to a workplace.. a head without a body...
Did you feel any sadness at all during these meetings...-----------------------------------------------------
Iceberg rose (POSTED July 14, 2011, 18: 4: 42)
After I wrote the dream down and posted it, it seemed to me this dream was about how I feel about my workplace. I am a public servant on contract at this time so the head is the Government.
Governance of our country seems to be such a fragmented and dissociated thing where it is now politically incorrect to allocate plastic bags.
This was the situation I faced as I prepared to interview my staff. I needed plastic bags to assist my workers make up their packs for distribution to the public and I had to explain why they couldn't have them.
I felt angry at the stupidity of this failure by the government to supply my staff with plastic bags as some of my workers are elderly (some 60 plus years old). In reality this failure compromised the workers occupational safety and trippled the workload for them without any compensation in their wages. The cost benefit analysis just didn't add up.
From my point of view it was a stupid decision but I understood the Governments (the heads) position was untenable and that is just how it had to be. I was employed to be the body between the head and the foot soldiers hence I had compassion for the heads position. I was answerable to it.
As each staff member came for their appointment I was struck by how the workplace systems isolated and disinfranchised the people employed. As each one came I was struck by their total dependence on my ability to bring mercy into the cold pramatic style of the workplace systems. I felt genuine sorrow for their plight and stepped out of my role to remedy their situation in whatever way I could.
I chose the option of ignoring protocol and just made it work however I could. At each appointment we made jokes about clipping the material together with paper clips and talked about workplace agreements and how impractical the new ones due to come in place seemed to be.
My oldest worker was given all the plastic bags he needed as his work needed the most. I rationed the remainder among the others and explained to them we had to get the packs out to the public as best we could. It seemed we had got stuck in the Governments new policy of reducing the production of plastic bags in the middle of our project. Hence those made by the date the policy was set in concrete were all the Government could make, the head had no option but to keep aligned with its proclaimed policies.
I believe this dilemma is what led to the dream. In my role as a supervisor I am the body the head (Government) needs to make the feet (my staff) work.
I beleive this is the way the dream story showed my conscious me why I felt so out of place in this scenario and why my dream self broke into the glass cages. To be true to my own nature I needed to bring some humane comfort to all the parts involved.
My personal dilemma is that I feel the modern workplace is getting more and more devoid of humanity. Policies drive workplace practices. They are the glass cages in my dream.
I feel sad that policies drive the process regardless of the inhumanity this brings to the people who are the parts neeeded to make the machinery of government run. This is what my dream showed me I feel about my workplace.
I still feel sad about this reality - but like my manager says - keep laughing and we will get there. He is also prone to breaking protocol to get the job done when there is no other way and he is a fun guy to work with.-----------------------------------------------------
Iceberg Rose (POSTED July 14, 2011, 23: 4: 25)
Following on from this dream in real life. I had to contact my supervisor at work today and I discoverd that doing my job as I was trained to do had created a problem for him. When this was pointed out to me I didn't take it to heart. I just smiled and said to my boss - I can only do what I am asked - I can't tell if its going to cause problems. The dream helped me see this issue was not my fault but the fault of the protpcols that isolated and separated the parts of the overall job and the members of the workplace. The dream had explained the problem to me in very clear detail.-----------------------------------------------------
Unclesirbobby (POSTED July 15, 2011, 03: 5: 24)
Many people would not think of dreams as being about things like that. I think its perfectly reasonable to assume we would dream about important ideas in our minds like that. We deam about the ideas floating about our heads. The important emotional, intellectual and creative ideas in our minds.-----------------------------------------------------
N (POSTED August 21, 2012, 01: 2: 46)
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.
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Arrested by Gypsyroving
I FOUGHT OFF THE RED CRABS by iceberg rose
Komodo Dragon by KarenT
Swimming in a pool with frogs by Jillw06
1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
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My Premonitions by BrandonBanks720
THE ROAD MAP - my husbands dream by Iceberg rose
Tornado Dream by rkwarr6f
waking up by lastride77
Wild Horses by LindaBBlack
Dolphin jumping to God by Carlee
A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose
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