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POSTED December 3, 2011, 17:06 by Iceberg Rose (Viewed 693 times)

THE DREAM : Last night I had another action packed dream. I was back in a hospital enviromnet but for the first time in my awake life and my dream life I was there on my own terms. The chronic anxiety I suffer when I have dreams like this and real life exposure to hospitals was gone.

As I watched myself in the dream I was very busy organising things to display on a small table in a corner of a coridoor so I was wondering what my dream me was doing as that me was very purposeful.

I was not there in any of my former roles as a hospital worker, I was a sales agent for a product I endorsed even though I hadn't sold any before.

My dream self was wondering how best to postion my head so the fact it was separated from my body did not offend people. My dream me had wrapped a pink scarf around the neck of my severed dream head so it was more appealing to the eye.

In so many ways I was having a laugh at myself. My dream me was more worried about the curtains being held back from the window so the light inside could shine out on the dark cobbled walkway that led into the hospital building than my severed head.

Here endeth the dream.

THE BACKGROUND:Yesterday I made a commitment to publish a book I have written as an e-book and joined a site to help me do so. Before I went to bed I read all the information of formating an e book so this dream is about my committmet to what I produce.

One of my favorite pink scarves was on my desk and kept falling on the keyboard but I liked stroking it's fabric every now and again so I kept it there even though it would fall every now and then.

It is what is in my head that I value so much more than my body which simply carries my head around where I need it to go.

For me this dream shows I have reconciled my head and my body now. My dream me has found where my head was at and is now caring for it.

Thats nice as I do tend to be a little neglegtful when it comes to caring for myself.

My head was severed from my body in a dream more than 20 years ago now. I found my body in a garbage dump way back then but have always wanted to find my head. Hence this dream delighted my soul as it was my dream come true. Its a good dream.

I so enjoy the humerous way the dreaming mind can talk to my awake self and make sense to me. Iceberg Rose :D
Unclesirbobby (POSTED December 4, 2011, 02: 7: 09)
Hi Dianne

What you suggest is definitely the cause of the dream. I know I always get dreams if I am planning some big project which I am plowing many emotions into.

But I think there is also some kind of strategy being formed. The sales person in the dream shows that this dream is about you trying to SELL this ebook. Its a dream about you thinking about the best strategy for this. In the dream you are laughing at yourself. Perhaps this shows that you do not want to come across to serious. Is that the case - what do you think this laughing portion could represent?-----------------------------------------------------
Iceberg rose (POSTED December 4, 2011, 14: 7: 25)
The humour for me in this dream is that I have been looking for my own head to appear in a dream for over twenty years. Finding it is a very special thing and yet my dreaming self does not make too much fuss about it.

There is no celebration. It is just part of her daily routine and another thing to look after.

However it is an active dream and I am being constructive and proactive in a hostile environment it is set in. It means I am feeling strong enough to make a stand where I can in this life no matter how small it is and this is a good thing given all I have been through.

For me the most important part of my dream is recognising my own head and knowing it is being cared for and treasured by me. Thats a big step forward for me given the serious depression I have overcome in recent years.

The dream shows no other person is involved in doing that just me and I actually feel sad this is true. I need to keep my head safe from other people who want to mess with it and there are plenty of people in my life who have designs to do that if they get a chance too. So my head needs to appear benign and non threatening to them in particular or they will attack it.

Reality in the awake world is I need an income. My head is the only thing I have left that can generate an income as my body is not fit enough for me to work. The dream is showing my efforts are paltry in the big scheme of things so thats a bit of a laugh there.

The setting of the dream is not comfortable - it's a pockey corner in a hospital corridoor and the street outside is dark and menacing.

In the dream I noticed how menacing that cobbled dark street was and I wanted as much light as I could get on that passageway so I had time to get away from any threat coming along it. My protection is that I am inside and behind glass and the space I need is small.

Selling ebooks does not take up a lot of real space as it uses virtual space to do the work. So I might have enough space to make a go of it.

Being in a hospital corridoor is also no bed of roses. So I have safety concerns there too which are only miticated by the location I have picked to set up shop. It's a tiny corner that trolleys in the corridoor do not need to use so I am not likely to have to move too often.

This reality is very important because my body is not so good at moving.

The glass in this dream for me is the computer screen and the cobbled street is the world at large - both virtual cyber world and the real world. It is a scary place because there are hidden threats in it I cannot detect till I see them.

In truth I don't feel very safe and so my humour is that being small I can easily be eliminated and removed from the space I occupy in the dream. This may mean no income but it won't mean death.

If you go back and see where I have been in my other dreams my chances of surviving jumping off a falling bridge into a large ocean bay, crossing a flooded river and finding myself in boiling hot water look less likely places to survive than this. So this scenario is at least more promising when it comes to surviving the downside of it.

In truth what I am doing seems so little in the face of death. It is my way of trying to actually live in the very hostile environment I deal with all the time. So my little stall seems to be too little to overcome the odds against its survival. Its still my best shot at life just now so I am going to take it but I need to be more committed to it and the dream is showing me that too.

I am worried about my situation and myself but I am pleased I have found my own head. I am hoping the way I am presenting it will not make it too much of a target for those only too willing to knock it off.

The dream is about forming a strategy to sell my work but converting my work into dollars is the hard bit. I havn't figured out how to do that yet.

Yesterday I talked with my husband about my dream and he is agreed I need to set up a way of doing so that is independent of him because of the impact of taxation. Thats the nuts and bolts of what this dream is talking about.

The hospital in this dream is my home - I do not live in a hospital in the awake world but my home is set up so I can do the basics of living and it's not always how I would like it.

Bottom line - I am alive and I am growing in a hostile environment. Thats a good thing.REPLY
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.

Vampirism by Gypsyroving
Arrested by Gypsyroving
I FOUGHT OFF THE RED CRABS by iceberg rose
Komodo Dragon by KarenT
Swimming in a pool with frogs by Jillw06
1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
Pregnancy Premonition by ecslater
My Premonitions by BrandonBanks720
THE ROAD MAP - my husbands dream by Iceberg rose
Tornado Dream by rkwarr6f
waking up by lastride77
Wild Horses by LindaBBlack
Dolphin jumping to God by Carlee
A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose

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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

Try this dream guide to help you understand the symbols in your dreams. DREAM GUIDE

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

NERVOUS: Dreams often have simple meanings. One dream featured nervousness and this followed a night when the dreamer realised he had an important decision to make. Therefore the nerves represented the realisation that he had to make the right decision and get things right.

Nervous in dreams

People in dreams

Shops in dreams

Music in dreams

HOSPITAL: Dreams take a sidestep in their meaning. Hospitals in real life deal with physical health. In dreams hospitals are about emotional health and about the happiness and healthiness of our life in general. So if you have been thinking about a relationship and been making assessments about its healthiness then your dream could simply represent those thoughts.

Hospitals in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z