DREAM FORUM - Arrested
POSTED February 3, 2012, 09:05 by Gypsyroving (Viewed 581 times)
THE DREAM : I really appreciate this site's "scientific" approach to dream analysis, and so Thought I may share my dreams from the last two nights in order to show my support of the site. The first, in particular, was unravelled for me using this site. I was being chased by the police, wanted for arrest, though I wasn't sure why. I wasn't even particularly sure whether I was guilty or not. I just knew I didn't want to be caught. My mother had set up a safe house for me, and left me an email saying that she would leave supplies for me there and I would be safe there. Yet, when I got there, I heard a knock at the door and could see a policeman's hat through the door window. My first impulse was to flee again,but then just thought, "What's the point?" and went to let the police in. When I answered the door I sighed, put my hands up, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not resisting." The cop simply said, "Yes, you are." he took his handcuffs and tried to cuff me, but the cuffs kept sliding off. Every time they fell off, I just returned them to him, and he would try once more, unsuccessfully, to cuff me again. Later in the dream I was in a complex of some sort that was meant to be a jail. People I know kept asking me to walk out with them (there was, apparently, no security), but I refused saying, "No, I don't want to cause any trouble."
THE BACKGROUND:Using this site, paired with my journal entries from the day before, helped me find a simple and highly accurate definition for this dream. I am very close to my Grandparents, having more of a parent/daughter relationship with them than anything else. Frustratingly, they hold a lot of old fashioned beliefs that I don't agree with, which they freely rant about every time I talk to them. They assume that I agree with them, and I admit that I feel guilty for not, as if I would be a great disappointment to them if they knew. I choose to keep quiet about my beliefs to keep the peace, even though I often feel hampered in day to day life by my fear of them reacting to my actions. Over the years, I have sort of made myself a willing prisoner to their high expectations. I was thinking deeply about these things the day before my dream, and even wrote an extensive entry about it in my journal. It definitely translated well to a dream!
Unclesirbobby (POSTED February 4, 2012, 10: 6: 33)
Well thanks for the comments about this site. I have often said that if someone keeps a diary or journal then interpreting their dreams will often be easy. Its especially easy if something has really got on your mind.. think about it... both your dream and real life have both featured the following feelings... I have allowed myself to be a prisoner (to expectations) .. I just give in because I don't want to cause any trouble
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.
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Arrested by Gypsyroving
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1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
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A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose
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