DREAM SYMBOLS : A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z
DREAM GUIDE: Based upon years of experience DREAM FORUM: Online discussion
DREAM THEORY• A modern theory. • Why is this the best dream site?
Dream dictionary techniques and dream symbol study

POSTED January 16, 2012, 18:01 by iceberg rose (Viewed 429 times)

THE DREAM : I am sure people wonder about my dream scenarios and wonder how I can spend the time I do on them. This is my answer.

I have socially unacceptable feelings just like everyone else. Somehow I have to find a way to manage them without harming other people so I can feel OK about being me. I want to live in an ecologically friendly way in this world so I cause minimal harm.

In saying that I am a meat eater so animals are harmed so I can live. I find I cannot actually live out in the awake world without causing harm to others even though this is distasteful to me, it is reality.

If you feel I am being unrealistic go out and clean your car. Notice how many innocent insects and bugs you kill on a daily basis so you can get from A to B. Then there are the rabbits, foxes, cats, dogs, birds and kangaroos that litter the roads I travel on each day.

I often feel angry and my anger scares me. For me my angry feelings are like unexploded bombs that need to be defused so they can safely be disposed off. I work actively to diffuse my anger and honestly wish more people were as proactive.

The level of road rage on the road and trolley rage in supermarkets suggests to me many people do not see the need to do this – they just act it out on whoever is in their space.

What happens inside the people affected by this behavior is a download of emotion that upsets their inner peace. I call this emotional environmental pollution and like so many other people, I have to deal with more of it than I want to on an average day.

In the awake world if I vent these excess feelings I am generating the way I want to I am likely to harm myself and other people. I am likely to be misunderstood and I may come to the attention of the legitimate authorities and get myself into a lot of trouble.

By working with my own dream scenarios I can evaluate my own emotional load and know if I am a danger to other people or myself. I can be my own judge and the dreams can be whatever they want to be – they are only dreams. I can have the satisfaction of acting out without the consequences if I choose to.

I can also practice self discipline which is my personal preference. I need to practice so I don’t loose control when I am awake.

When I am dreaming I try and track my feelings by taking mental notes on the feelings that go with each dream image. When I am awake I write down the dream image and allow the feelings that come with the images to surface. I notice the feelings and validate myself by talking to myself and acknowledging my feelings to me.

I call this self talk. I notice my self talk and evaluate how I am tracking in the awake world with the feeling load I am currently carrying. If I feel I can’t cope I get help.

I have read a lot of dreams here on the forum and what I notice most often is that people are not in touch with how they really feel. I hope what I have written here helps people see how dreams can help them know how they are really feeling without fearing their own feelings.

Dream scenarios can assist us all get in touch with our own feelings so we can notice them and react to them with self discipline and self control.

I do this every day and it helps me stay calm in world that can often be scary. I choose to live an intentional life with my emotions well managed rather than a reactive life where my emotions are out of control.

Sweet dreams to you if you have read this far.

Iceberg Rose.

THE BACKGROUND:-----------------------------------------------------
Unclesirbobby (POSTED January 17, 2012, 06: 2: 53)

Well being in touch with your own emotions is important. Many people cannot put these into words. Generally, if you can sum up your own emotions then you can probably pinpoint what any dream means. Dreams are about your emotions so they will capture key feelings. These key feelings are hidden though in a language of symbols.
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.

Vampirism by Gypsyroving
Arrested by Gypsyroving
I FOUGHT OFF THE RED CRABS by iceberg rose
Komodo Dragon by KarenT
Swimming in a pool with frogs by Jillw06
1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
Pregnancy Premonition by ecslater
My Premonitions by BrandonBanks720
THE ROAD MAP - my husbands dream by Iceberg rose
Tornado Dream by rkwarr6f
waking up by lastride77
Wild Horses by LindaBBlack
Dolphin jumping to God by Carlee
A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose

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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

Try this dream guide to help you understand the symbols in your dreams. DREAM GUIDE

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

ANGER: Emotions are often easy to understand in dreams. Try to see how that emotion could represent recent feelings - especially from the day before. If you are bottling emotions up it may show that you are feeling frustrated. Indeed you may have no way of showing frustration... if you are working in a job where it is innapropriate to show any frustrations. Dreams can be an outlet for general frustrations. If you feel a resentment that people are not showing you the respect youdeserve then thaat could be wht triggered the dream. Dreams with anger in need not be about you. Did you see someone else very angry the day before? It maybe a dream about you trying to understand someone elses point of view.

For more information read here Anger in dreams

DOGS: If dreams symbolise our thoughts and feelings then what could dogs represent? A dog is devoted and loyal and is often described as man's best friend. So a dog generally means that the theme of loyalty or lack of it has been on your mind. Try to find the link. Did someone really stick by you yesterday? Did you expect more loyalty from someone yesterday?

For more information read here Dog dreams

KILLED OR MURDERED: Dreams tap into similar sets of emotions and so what exactly does murder involve. Firstly, it involves strong emotions so its likely that a dream with murder in reveals your strong negative feelings about someone. Dream studies have shown that murder dreams involve strong negative feelings towards someone or something. It can link to someone who you really dislike - someone who you want out of your life. Murrder can also be a symbol for your rsistance towards something. You want to cut it out of your life!

For more information read here Murdering dreams

People in dreams

Space in dreams

Streets in dreams

DISTRESS: Dreams are about recent feelings. So if you are upset or distressed in a dream then what could that mean. If you look at your own feelings in depth then you may understand what has triggered your dream. One dreamer in the study had been thinking about someone who had been very upset. So the dream was about trying to understand someone elses strong feelings.

There are other meanings related to upset in dreams - Upset in dreams

Music in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z