DREAM FORUM - I saw my funeral
POSTED March 31, 2013, 17:07 by anon (Viewed 278 times)
THE DREAM : I was at the front of my church that I have attended for almost 22 years, and was dead laying in a twin bed looking asleep with all white linnens, and a friend of mine and her husband were on stage, he was talking and she was talking about a robe she had made for me, she was crying , and sobbing and saying how much she loved me as a friend, and that she had made this cape for me. The cape was striking red and satin sorta like a red ridding hood type thing, and when I looked again, I was wearing it. Flowers were all around me and lots of people there crying and everyone talking. The red robe was a big deal for some reason....she kept mentioning it and how they had all been working on it to place on me. ?? I was there but not seen in this dream. I don't know why but it has really bothered me a lot, and so I decided to get on here and see if anyone else knows anything about it.
THE BACKGROUND:The couple in my dream are friends of mine. They are our youth pastor and his wife. I am close to them but not super close. The woman is special to me, although much younger than I am. I do not spend a great deal of time with her and hardly any with them as a couple. I do love them and just don't understand why or what this dream means. Someone please help me.
Unclesirbobby (POSTED April 1, 2013, 01: 1: 13)
Dreams are metaphors. When we know what has caused a dream we know how the metaphor works. In this case we have to guess what the metaphor is.
I think its not necessarily a bad dream. I do not think its a bad dream. It maybe about peoples need to appreciate you more. It maybe a dream about you not going to church (yesterday was Easter Sunday). So having a dream about a pastor could be about you been missed in church. Think along those lines. I know we get dreams like these and they scare us. But I do not think this is a premonition
(POSTED August 15, 2016, 23: 1: 11) Edit : Delete
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