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DREAM FORUM - The Basement
POSTED September 7, 2012, 21:05 by kewlsk8r95 (Viewed 348 times)

THE DREAM : Ever since i have been little i have always had a recurring dream where i am in my house and there is something going on in my dreams such as some kind of plot or whatever i want to call it. The plot is always different ever time. So i just follow to whatever the dream takes me and it could feel like a happy dream, a sad dream or any kind of dream. After awhile of letting the dream lead me to where ever it is headed, No matter where i was originally i will always find myself in the basement of my house. Even if it was the most impossible way of getting there it happens. There have been a few time when in my basement i have seen a teenage girl in a white dress with long hair. After i look at her once, that very second i wake up completely traumatized and unable to move for a few seconds and a ringing noice in my head. This dream has happened over and over again despite the different beginning, i will always find myself in the basement somehow. At times the girl will not be in the basement, but it will still give me a nightmare feeling and wake me up as though she was. At times when i find myself in my basement, i will close my eyes and find my way up the stairs with it ending with a minor feeling of the usual. This has been bothering me for ages.

THE BACKGROUND:I have lived in the same house all of my life. I live with my family of four. I attend school with passing grades. I have experienced only one family death after the dreams stared. Live with lots of animals. I do not get bullied. Every time before i have the dream i feel mentally different. The basement is the usual cement floor, heaters, washers, and gray dull looking.
Unclesirbobby (POSTED September 8, 2012, 03: 6: 19)

Your dream probably reflects some recent mood or feeling. Next time you get the dream think about your predominate mood. Its probably linked to that.

I am not sure what to make of this girl Its probably linked to her. How does she make you feel? What stands out about her? Is she the type of person you would like to be? Is she like someone you have been thinking about?

Basements can represent feelings which lurk beneath the surface. They could represent hidden feelings or resentments
Unclesirbobby (POSTED September 8, 2012, 03: 6: 00)

Your dream probably reflects some recent mood or feeling. Next time you get the dream think about your predominate mood. Its probably linked to that.

I am not sure what to make of this girl Its probably linked to her. How does she make you feel? What stands out about her? Is she the type of person you would like to be? Is she like someone you have been thinking about?

Basements can represent feelings which lurk beneath the surface. They could represent hidden feelings or resentments
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.

Vampirism by Gypsyroving
Arrested by Gypsyroving
I FOUGHT OFF THE RED CRABS by iceberg rose
Komodo Dragon by KarenT
Swimming in a pool with frogs by Jillw06
1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
Pregnancy Premonition by ecslater
My Premonitions by BrandonBanks720
THE ROAD MAP - my husbands dream by Iceberg rose
Tornado Dream by rkwarr6f
waking up by lastride77
Wild Horses by LindaBBlack
Dolphin jumping to God by Carlee
A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose

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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

Try this dream guide to help you understand the symbols in your dreams. DREAM GUIDE

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

FINISH: What does it mean if you are finishing something in a dream? Well think of the wider appplications of that theme. Have you been thinking how long something has taken to complete? Do you feel totally unprepared for something? (so you worry that something is unlikely to be completed. Do you need to try harder in some way? (so something is more likely to be completed).

For more information read here Finish dreams

SADNESS: Emotions in dreams are often very easy to understand. Simply try to trace that emotion yesterday. Did you feel really sad about something yesterday? It may have been only a fleeting moment as you realised that you miss someone or somewhere. Dreams often just note emotions. A dream about sadness may not necessarily be about you. You may have realised someones sadness yesterday and that could have triggered your dream. Dreams are not just about you - they are about all the people you care about and even random people if their lives touch your emotions.

For more information read here Sadness dreams

Stairs in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z