DREAM FORUM - Always chased & hopeless
POSTED June 16, 2012, 07:06 by andyk23 (Viewed 212 times)
THE DREAM : As far back as I can remember I've had dreams of being chased by an unstoppable being. The first I can remember I was 10 years old and I dreamed I was being chased through my school by a giant flying version of a girl we used to make fun of. In every dream I am being chased I feel a sense of hopelessness. I feel no matter what I do, I will get caught and mostly I do. Now that I am older, 21, the dreams have become more violent and occasionally sexual in nature but still have the overall feeling of hopelessness. One of the worst dreams I've ever had... a man was holding my fiance, me & my family against our will. We were all kept in this strange underground cave system. I had my own room and I somehow hid my son inside a small closet and no one knew he was in there. The man holding us captive said he wanted to have sex with me and he went in my room to talk to my dad about it. I was so scared he'd find my son but there was nothing I could do. Then my dad was wheeled out of my room on a hospital bed and he was covered in blood and holding his hands up saying there was nothing he could do. My dad who is normally strong and muscular looked weak and frail. Apparently the man holding us captive killed my son. I woke up gasping. Worst dream of my life. This morning I dreamed my fiance had cheated with his ex and was going to leave me for her & take my son and I couldn't do anything about it. My point is I am always dreaming someone in trying to hurt/rape me. I always feel powerless and that my fate of being harmed is inevitable. I think the dreams always represent the same feelings in different scenarios. They are either chasing me or they are too powerful to even run from. I am so sick of these dreams. I have them almost every night. How can I stop them?!
THE BACKGROUND:I feel extremely pressured by my parents to be successful in life. My fiance HAS left me for his ex years ago. I am 21 and I feel the older I get the farther away go my aspirations.
Unclesirbobby (POSTED June 16, 2012, 14: 6: 56)
Well if you get these dreams very often then maybe it reveals something about you. You are probably a very emotional person who has tendency to look on the darker side.
Being chased can represent pressure where you feel as if people are judging you. Maybe thats where your parents come in. You feel as if you can never live up to their expectations...
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