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Terror - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain 'terror'. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of 'terror' in each dream.

A terror dream linked to the dreamer having a meeting tomorrow with someone the dreamer did not like. She always seemed to say bad things.

A terrorists dream linked to the dreamer trying to keep her phobias under control.

Wolves causing terror linked to the dreamers ex room mate who was refusing to give the dreamer her things. Terror symbolised the sheer awkwardness and havoc she was causing.

A terror dream linked to the dreamer talking through her problems with a counsellor. She had not been having an easy time. The terror symbolised issues which had been traumatising her.

Trying to escape terrorists linked to the dreamer realising just how bad things had become.

A dream about a terrorist bomb plot linked to the dreamer tendency to exaggerate things. He had been feeling bad but now felt much better. He must have got things wrong.

A boa causing terror linked to the dreamer thinking over just how badly he had treated his ex girlfriend. The terror symbolised his own deceptive and nasty behaviour.

Terrorists linked to the dreamers relationship with her boyfriend who was driving her mad. He was continually sulking.

A terrifying dog was thought to be a premonition of the dreamers own mother dying on the very next day.

A terrorist bomb was thought to be a premonition of fight that the dreamers parents had the next day. They normally

A terror dream was thought to be a premonition of the next day. The dreamers sister in law asked to lend money. The terror in the dream was symbolic of the terrible story that her sister had painted.

Terrorists in a dream linked to the dreamer thinking about his friend. He was getting sick of her tendency to just follow his ideas obsessively. She had turned into a little groupie. Terrorists symbolised her complete devotion to a set of ideas and inability to think for herself.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Adverts - dream analysis
•Alcohol - dream analysis
•Alien - dream analysis
•Ants - dream analysis
•Attack - dream analysis
•Babysit - dream analysis
•Baseball - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - bears
•Bird - dream analysis
•Books - dream analysis
•Casual clothes - dream analysis
•Clowns - dream analysis
•Colleges - dream analysis
•Coma - dream analysis
•Death - dream analysis
•Deep water - dream analysis
•Desert - dream analysis
•Disturbing - dream analysis
•Elementary school - dream analysis
•The end of the world dream
•Expect - dream analysis
•Father - dream analysis
•Fences - dream analysis
•Gay - dream analysis
•Germans - dream analysis
•Guard - dream analysis
•Gun - dream analysis
•Halt - dream analysis
•Hide - dream analysis
•Hotel - dream analysis
•Insect - dream analysis
•Lock - dream analysis
•Man - dream analysis
•Meteor - dream analysis
•Money - dream analysis
•Moon - dream analysis
•Mother - dream analysis
•Naked - dream analysis
•Pain - dream analysis
•Park - dream analysis
•Protection - dream analysis
•Queen - dream analysis
•Train dream
•River crossing - dream analysis
•Safe - dream analysis
•Shock - dream analysis
•Shoe - dream analysis
•Sister dream
•Slow motion - dream analysis
•Steal - dream analysis
•Storm - dream analysis
•Swamp - dream analysis
•Teacher - dream analysis
•Threat - dream analysis
•Tidal wave - dream analysis
• Time travel dream analysis
•Tree - dream analysis
•Torture - dream analysis
•Upset - dream analysis
•Van - dream analysis
•Wars - dream analysis
•Wasp - dream analysis
• Werewolf dream analysis
•Whales dream

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at